Bureau Geluid Calibration Laboratory is part of Bureau Geluid, which was founded in 2003 by Walter Hennissen
as an acoustic consultancy working in the research field of noise, vibration, acoustics and climate.
AnneMiek Dankbaar joined as a partner in 2006.
From the start, we received many requests to supply measurement equipment in addition to our noise and vibration measurement and consulting services, to design and build noise measurement stations, and to perform data management of these stations.
Soon our supply program expanded to include many of the leading professional brands for noise and vibration measurement equipment, including Cirrus Research, Cesva Instruments, Microtech Gefell, Roga Instruments and Embedded Acoustis. In 2010 we established a calibration laboratory, Bureau Sound Calibration Laboratory, which was accredited by the Accreditation Council EN ISO/ IEC 17025 in February 2017 for sound meters, octave and third band filters and sound calibrators. We calibrate sound level meters, analyzers and calibrators from virtually all major manufacturers (Cirrus, Cesva, Bruel & Kjaer, Rion, Svantek, 01 dB, Larson Davis, Norsonic, NTI, Embedded Acoustics...).
When you contact us, we will speak to you personally. If we are temporarily unavailable due to measurements or calibration work, we will always call back when you leave a message. We avoid complicated procedures, communicate openly with you, keep our costs low and work quickly and efficiently.